Isolation, Particle Abatement
UV option for Antigen and Pathogen Sterilization
The Airpura I-600
Specially designed for use in healthcare
clinics and institutions.
Large HEPA filter
Traps airborne droplets.
Optional UV germicidal lamp
Sterilizes antigens and pathogens.
Optional HI-C carbon weave
Adsorbs odors and airborne chemicals and gases.
Effective for up to 2000 square feet
Recycles the air approximately every 30 minutes.
Optional negative air accessories available
Enables you to quickly create an isolation area.
The Airpura I-600
Solid easy to move, lockable casters
Weighs less than 30 lbs. Moves easily and casters can be
locked in place.
Available in
White / Black / Cream
The Airpura Limited Warranty
2 years parts 5 years labor
Filter Life
Hepa filters typically last 5 years
High Quality HEPA Filter
Over 100 square feet of filtration
surface with 3" deep folds.
in regular use.
Pre-filters can be vacuumed from
the exterior of the unit and should be
changed preferably every 3 months
depending on use.
The Hepa is warm rolled to
avoid cracking at the folds
and avoid leakage.
HI-C carbon weave (optional)
should be changed every 4-6 months
depending on use.
Spacers keep the folds open
and make sure that all the
surface area is filtering.
Safe effective air filtration with negative air option
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